Simple Bible Journaling Techniques When You’re Not Overly Artistic
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If you are new to Bible journaling, you might find these simple techniques essential. Since I had to figure how to draw by trial-and-error, I thought these techniques would be just what you need!
You might be thinking that you’re not artistic either!
Even the word ‘technique’ might be scary.
Is there something deep in your heart that makes you want to give this thing a try?
God is the creator of the whole entire universe. He is the Artist of all artists.
I know that deep inside you is an artist because that is the woman God created you to be!
That’s not saying that you can draw or paint perfectly. I don’t think perfection is part of God’s agenda.
You are an artist if you desire to magnify Christ through your attempt at artwork.
Think of how we are to “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD,” Psalm 98:4
We could change that to say, “Make joyful ‘art’ unto the LORD” and the same principle would apply.
When you sing, God is NOT interested in how beautiful your voice is because his concern is your heart. This same principle applies to your art because God is interested in your heart and not if your creative journaling turns out perfectly.
Is the word ‘technique’ less intimidating?
Simple Bible Journaling Techniques
This is really going to be easy-peasy. Let’s get started!
1. You Need Some Tools!
If you don’t have much money available, you can get started with a #2 pencil and some pencil crayons. I prefer an automatic pencil because it is always sharp.
Tools to get started:
- Automatic pencil
- Pencil Crayons
- Eraser
- Stickers
- Washi-Tape
2. Non-Artists Use the Tracing Technique!
Remember how you used to trace things in elementary school? I had a tracing book and had to trace my letters.
We forget simple ideas like tracing. Adulting can be so complicated!
I love drawing flowers the most and drawing can be made easy when you trace.
I have a 3-ring-binder that has a collection of pages from a Bible coloring book. There are lettering fonts, flowers and all sorts of designs to choose from for tracing. Just put the element to trace underneath the page you want to draw in your Bible or art-notebook.
Next, you trace on the page in your Bible with your automatic pencil.
If you are brave, you can trace with your Micron Pen. I always trace over my penciling with the Micron Pen or a pencil crayon.
3. Simple Lettering Technique
I always choose a Bible verse (or phrase from a verse) to go with my drawing. The whole purpose of journaling art is to help you draw closer to Jesus. I love first reading and studying the chapter that goes along with the verse I am illustrating.
There are many artists who know how to make beautiful lettering. You can practice learning different styles of lettering but I want to help you see how simple journaling art really can be!
If you have noticed, many styles of lettering are uneven and irregular as if it was an individual’s imperfect handwriting. Why NOT? Why not use your own imperfect handwriting style?!
If you are using a journaling Bible with lines in the notetaking space, count the lines and roughly guesstimate where you want your verse to go. Remember that perfection isn’t allowed!

Washi-Tape to the Rescue!
Don’t you just love Washi-Tape? I can’t get enough of it!
Whether I am copying verses into my notebook or adding it to the edges of my Bible’s page, it makes your artistic masterpiece POP!
I am just learning some techniques for using this amazing tape. The thing I love most is that you can pull it back up immediately if you set it down crooked.
The sky is the limit on how you can use Washi-Tape and I’d love for you to give me some of your ideas!

Non-Artists LOVE Stickers!
You will be a fearless artist when you add stickers to your work!
They can be bought at Walmart, Dollar Stores, on Amazon and found in your kids’ bedroom!
You can create and accentuate your journal or Bible when you decorate with stickers. The ideas are as endless as your imagination.
If you think you have a limited imagination, it will grow as you journal your way through the Bible.
I honestly believe you will become an artist as you use some or all of these techniques. I am still new at journaling art and have mostly stuck with coloring. I have been experimenting with all these other methods as I am trying to find ways for the challenged-artist to get her feet wet.
Do you feel that you are Not overly artistic? Are you anxious to try these simple Bible journaling techniques?

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