6 Powerful Prayers of Spiritual Warfare Over Your Home (Free Printable)

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You can start praying powerful prayers of spiritual warfare over your entire home, starting today!

Have you seen the movie War Room?

I’ll never forget the first time I watched that movie. It motivated me to take my prayer life from a list to a strategy that would defeat the enemy trying to take out my family.

There was only one problem.

We live in a small house where every corner is creatively used as a living space. So, I knew I’d have to get creative.

Then one morning, very early, I shot up out of bed having dreamed something that completely revolutionized how I view my war room.

I had dreamed that I had prayed prayers for spiritual warfare over every room of my home.

Often while cleaning my house I’ll find an instructional video or documentary on YouTube to listen to, because doing those menial tasks can get really boring!

woman siting by window praying, head in hand, elbows on a Bible

But after my dream, I began doing something new. I began making my whole house a war room! Rather than grabbing my cell phone and ear buds, I began to pray prayers of spiritual warfare over every room in the house.

Before I was done cleaning, I had prayed over my entire family and home in a way I never had before and it not only revolutionized my prayer life, it completely changed how I viewed housework.

Here are 6 Powerful Prayers for Spiritual Warfare Over Your Home

You can get a printable version of these prayers below.

I promise you, if you begin praying prayers of spiritual warfare like this over your home – maybe not these exact prayers, maybe God will lead you to prayer prayers and verses that He has laid on your heart – you will begin seeing an amazing transformation in your home.

And you’ll stop viewing homemaking as a menial task and begin seeing it as a beautiful act of worship.

1. Prayer of Spiritual Warfare for the Bedrooms:

As you make the beds, lay your hand on each pillow and pray for each member of your family.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You will bless and keep __________. Make Your face to shine upon them and be gracious to them. Fill them with Your grace and love so that wherever they go, their actions will be a good testimony. Guard and keep them as they are with their friends, so that they will stand strong and never compromise their values. Bless them as they sleep tonight; as Your word says that You give to Your beloved even in their sleep.

2. Prayer of Spiritual Warfare for the Living Room:

As you dust the furniture and pick up odds and ends lying around pray over your family time and entertainment.

Heavenly Father, I pray that our entertainment will glorify you. May we never fill our home with those things that grieve your Holy Spirit. Give us discernment to know when to turn off the TV or computer. Guard our hearts against immorality and protect our lives from the destruction of pornography. Help us to raise our children with godly values and discernment, that they will have the strength to stand alone and walk away, even when all their friends choose to entertain themselves with the world.

3. Prayer of Spiritual Warfare for the Dining Room:

As you wipe down the table and chairs, pray over your family conversation.

Heavenly Father, bless the time we spend together as a family. May it we encourage one another and not criticize. Fill our home with joy and laughter and fill our hearts with love, grace and understanding for one another. Even in our disagreement, may we disagree gracefully and with love.

4. Prayer of Spiritual Warfare for the Kitchen:

As you wipe down the counters and appliances.

Heavenly Father, Your Word says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” I pray that as we eat our meals together, that we will also taste Your goodness. May we always be grateful for all You’ve given us. May our hearts never forget – even in the hard times – that You have blessed us beyond what we deserve. Thank You for our home, thank You for a loving family, thank You for everything You have given us. You have been good!

5. Prayer of Spiritual Warfare for the Bathroom:

As you wipe down the sink and mirror.

Heavenly Father, Ephesians tells us how to prepare our Spirits to go to war. I pray that as we get ready each day that we will not forget to get ready spiritually go out into world where we will face temptation and compromise. As we wash our face, brush our teeth, do our hair and makeup, may we remember to also clothe ourselves in salvation, righteousness, truth, the gospel of peace, faith and Your Word, which is on our heart. May we be spiritually ready to leave our home, even as we are physically ready.

6. Prayer of Spiritual Warfare for the Front Door:

As you wipe down your front door.

Heavenly Father, I pray for everyone who walks through this door that they will feel Your love, joy and peace in our home.  Fill our home with the warmth of hospitality so that our guests feel at home with us. May our conversations be encouraging and may we find ways to build up and edify everyone who visits our home. When they leave, I pray that they will be richer for having been in our home.

Do you like these prayers?

Print out the accompanying Pocket Prayers to Make Your Whole House a War Room to carry with you!

Get these war room verses today when you type your email in the form below:

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Resources for Prayer:

Desk layout with free printable sheet of prayer cards

Free Prayer Cards

Here are 6 steps you need to follow to write out a successful prayer strategy so that you live and walk in continually victory. #alittlerandr #prayerstrategy #freedownload #freebie #worksheet #warroom #prayer #spiritualwarfare
Join me for the 7 Day Payer Strategy e-study and learn to pray effective, fervent prayers that avail much! #alittlerandr #prayer #prayerstrategy #warroom

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Resources for Spiritual Warfare

When you're encountering spiritual warfare, take these 10 powerful verses to your war room. | A Little R & R | Rosilind Jukić | Christianity | Christian living | Christian blog | Christian faith | Spiritual Warfare | Quiet Times | #christianblog #christianfaith #christianliving #spiritualgrowth #warroom #warrior #spirituawarfare #Bible #God #Jesus #momlife #mom #quiettime #SOAK #biblejournaling #biblestudy
Image of bookmark printable in a frame on a shelf with a pink rose in a vase
Here are 6 steps you need to follow to write out a successful prayer strategy so that you live and walk in continually victory. #alittlerandr #prayerstrategy #freedownload #freebie #worksheet #warroom #prayer #spiritualwarfare
If you are looking for powerful verses to remind you of God's might that works in and through you, here are 10 powerful verses you need for your war room, with a free printable! #alittlerandr #Bible #verses #warroom #Bibleverses
Join me for the 7 Day Payer Strategy e-study and learn to pray effective, fervent prayers that avail much! #alittlerandr #prayer #prayerstrategy #warroom
layout of verses to fight discouragement
When you're encountering spiritual warfare, take these 30 powerful verses to your war room. | A Little R & R | Rosilind Jukić | Christianity | Christian living | Christian blog | Christian faith | Spiritual Warfare | Quiet Times | #christianblog #christianfaith #christianliving #spiritualgrowth #warroom #warrior #spirituawarfare #Bible #God #Jesus #momlife #mom #quiettime #SOAK #biblejournaling #biblestudy

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      1. Thank you for sharing this. It is certainly a great inspiration. I have always used photos to remind me to pray, as this is what my grandmother taught me. This is a new refreshing idea. Thanks

  1. Oh, I love this. I love praying through my house. We have recently moved into a new home and I loved dedicating it to the Lord. The first time I ever prayed through a house (our old home), we actually fell pregnant within that next month. We had been trying to conceive for three years. All praise to Jesus.

    1. Hello Megan,

      I was really touched by your post, as my husband and I are too in the making of conceiving our miracle baby. This was very encouraging and I know GOD used this post to let me know that my time is coming soon as well. Thank you! Be blessed!!

  2. Hi Rosilind, I’m an information junkie, too and I also love documentaries and biographies…(my sister-in-laws just shake their heads when I tell them about what I watch on TV such as PBS)! Anyway, I almost always have the TV or radio on while cleaning, but I’ll try praying instead. Thank you so much for the prayers you’ve shared. I especially love the dining room and bathroom ones. 🙂

    1. Oh – I looove listening to documentaries and podcasts, but sometimes we have turn the noise off and communicate with Jesus. I do both very often.

  3. Found this and I love it. How wonderful, how God is on your mind time and time. Very Inspirational. You level of awareness is something I hope to obtain. Much Love.

  4. Love these great ideas and sample prayers! CONNECT is my word for the year. Doing this would certainly help me stay connected to God throughout my day.

  5. Loved this article but turned off by the “war room” reference. Perhaps I just don’t get it. Just hate the word war doesn’t seem to fit the peace filled messages.

    1. It is called a war room because it is a place where we go to engage in spiritual warfare. The Bible, time and time again, refers to the Christian life as a battle, as a war that is waged between the flesh and spirit….or between the physical and spiritual realms. But as God’s people, we can still maintain peace in our hearts while warring in the spirit, because we know that God is the Victor!

  6. Really like th8s idea. I often use the time of washing dishes to pray for various needs. I will print and cut out these for guidelines in other rooms. Thanks I look forward to following your future posts.

  7. Love this post! Great idea for how to pray over your home. I added my office because I run my business out of it and I added to specifically remove any evil from my home or not let it enter because I think it is very important ask.

    1. I love it that you added your office! And yes, I do agree that it is important to ask the Lord to remove any evil. I will be talking a lot about that in my new, upcoming Bible study on prayer.

  8. Thank for creating these for us. I have made a small paper cross and attached these prayers to them. I plan on placing them in each of the rooms.

  9. So thankful of Pinterest. I love this, may God bless you, I always look for ways to include Him in everything I do and this was perfect! Amen!

  10. I just got through reading this and. I love the way you put it never thought of doing like that.where can i get it send to my phone?

  11. Praying through your house is a very powerful way to pray Your home needs cleansing all the time Thank you for sharing your ministry with others God bless you Love Maureen

  12. Dear Prayer warrior
    Thank you for the life changing prayers.
    I prayed them all this morning and hope to keep on with them if I can more or less remember them.
    I am trying to email them to myself but dont know how.
    Can you please help me?
    Also, is this free?
    God’s lessings over you.
    May He inspire you to new beginnings each day.
    Joy van der Merwe

  13. Dear Rosilind
    Thank you very much. This is what I need and God knows what I lack. The evil one is attacking every room in my house. We are all affected. I believe God will restore order and grant us in the house his peace. I will pray these prayers in every room as I clean. Please pray for me.

  14. I love this idea!! While I can’t promise I’ll be cleaning with any due diligence, lol, I will most certainly be doing a walk through my house and praying over each room and the wonderful people who occupy that space!! Thanks!

  15. Thank you for sharing this valuable and necessary practice. May God forever richly bless your home. ✝️

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