Why Renewing Your Mind Is Essential for Quality Devotions – Episode 25

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Today I’m answering a reader question that has three parts.

I contemplated breaking this one up into three podcasts, but decided against it, because I realized the value in connecting them all under one umbrella in the end.

The final few minutes of this podcast shows how all three parts work together to draw out a lesson we all need in recognizing the enemies strategy to keep us in a cycle of ineffectual prayer and spiritual growth.

The reader question today is:

I want to be occupied with God’s word, but each time I’m in the mood there’s something taking my mind away, I also feel I am not praying well. I kind of feel incapable

(You can view the video version of this on Rumble )

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Resources for Prayer:

Desk layout with free printable sheet of prayer cards

Free Prayer Cards

Here are 6 steps you need to follow to write out a successful prayer strategy so that you live and walk in continually victory. #alittlerandr #prayerstrategy #freedownload #freebie #worksheet #warroom #prayer #spiritualwarfare
Join me for the 7 Day Payer Strategy e-study and learn to pray effective, fervent prayers that avail much! #alittlerandr #prayer #prayerstrategy #warroom

Why Renewing Your Mind Is Essential for Quality Devotions - Episode 25 (1)

Resources for Renewing the Mind:

Coming 9/19

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