3 Reasons Why Every Christian Needs a War Room – FREE PRINTABLE!

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Do you have a war room?

Maybe it doesn’t look like Clara’s wall or Elizabeth’s closet. Maybe it’s a binder or journal, or maybe like me you make your whole house a war room.

Maybe you haven’t created a war room yet.

Today we’re going to discover why every Christian needs to have a war room.

Jesus talked about the war room in Matthew 6.

Yes, I know, the term war room don’t appear anywhere in the Bible, but the concept does. In fact, the concept of having a war room appears throughout the Bible.

Most notably we see Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 6:6. “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”

Jesus called it “the secret place”. Growing up we called it “the prayer closet”. Today we know it as “the war room”.

Honestly, the terminology doesn’t matter nearly as much as what takes place behind that closed door.

3 Reasons Why Every Christian Needs a War Room

In recent weeks, I have learned just how valuable my war room is to me and my family.

I have learned just how important it is to recognize the strategy of the enemy and how to turn his strategy against him with the holy determination to win the victory through the strength and power of the Holy  Spirit.

I have learned why it is vital that, as parents, we stand guard over our home and children.

John 10:10 says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.”

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This is the enemy’s singular goal every day for us and our family. Each day he begins with a checklist of things he will do to ensure that this goal is accomplished.

This is why, as God’s children and as warriors of the kingdom, we must be vigilant in our war room with a strategy for victory over the goal of the enemy.

1. Fellowship with God

Throughout the gospels, we see Jesus often pulling away to be with the Father.

He set an example for us, because if Jesus – the son of God, perfect, sinless, and blameless – needed to seclude Himself to spend time with God, how much more do we – humans, flawed, broken, and in need of a Savior – need to pull away from the noise of the world to spend time with Him?

This fellowship, though, wasn’t just sitting and chatting with God.

In these times of secluded prayer and fellowship with His Father, He was listening to God’s voice speaking to Him what His will was for Him.

Jesus said that He came to do the will of the Father.

He also said that He did those things that God told Him to do – He was obedient to God.

These times of fellowship with God in our war room are essential to our Christian growth, because during these times we learn obedience and submission to God’s will so that we aren’t living according to our own will, but the will of the Father.

2. Gaining spiritual perspective

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in my war room recently is that suffering isn’t always a negative thing.

Jesus promised that we’d have trouble. He said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

He didn’t say, “I have overcome the world, so once you’re saved, you’ll never experience tribulation (another word for suffering or anguish).

Peter instructs us, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

Suffering is as much a part of a Christian’s life as it is the life of someone who isn’t saved.

The difference is, as Christians we are able to go to God in prayer to gain wisdom and a godly perspective about our suffering.

God doesn’t allow suffering into our life for no reason: be it consequences for sin, pruning so that we’ll bear more fruit, or testing of our faith.

No matter the reason, in times of suffering, we retreat to our war room and cry out to God for wisdom so we can gain His perspective about our problem.

3. Spiritual warfare

This is likely the most well understood reason for having a war room (though definitely not the only one).

Just as suffering is part of the Christian life, so is battle. This is why we’re told to be on guard, to clothe ourselves in the armor or God, and take up spiritual weaponry. 

Sometimes we battle for victory in our own lives, and sometimes we have to go to war on behalf of our family or friends.

For the child of God:

  • Retreat is not an option.
  • Passivity is not an option
  • Surrender is certainly not an option

God has given us protective gear, defensive weapons, and a clear path to victory! There is no reason why a child of God should live in defeat!

In our war room, God gives us a winning strategy to go against our enemy, Satan, to utterly defeat him and nullify his plans for destruction.

If you don’t have a war room, or if you need some resources to help make your war room more effective, be sure to check out the resources section below in this post.

War RoomWar RoomWar Room: Prayer Is a Powerful WeaponWar Room: Prayer Is a Powerful WeaponWar Room Bible Study - Bible Study BookWar Room Bible Study – Bible Study BookFervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic PrayerFervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic PrayerThe Battle Plan Prayer CardsThe Battle Plan Prayer CardsThe Battle Plan Prayer JournalThe Battle Plan Prayer JournalWar Room (Music from and Inspired by the Original Motion Picture)War Room (Music from and Inspired by the Original Motion Picture)

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Resources for Spiritual Warfare

When you're encountering spiritual warfare, take these 10 powerful verses to your war room. | A Little R & R | Rosilind Jukić | Christianity | Christian living | Christian blog | Christian faith | Spiritual Warfare | Quiet Times | #christianblog #christianfaith #christianliving #spiritualgrowth #warroom #warrior #spirituawarfare #Bible #God #Jesus #momlife #mom #quiettime #SOAK #biblejournaling #biblestudy
Image of bookmark printable in a frame on a shelf with a pink rose in a vase
Here are 6 steps you need to follow to write out a successful prayer strategy so that you live and walk in continually victory. #alittlerandr #prayerstrategy #freedownload #freebie #worksheet #warroom #prayer #spiritualwarfare
If you are looking for powerful verses to remind you of God's might that works in and through you, here are 10 powerful verses you need for your war room, with a free printable! #alittlerandr #Bible #verses #warroom #Bibleverses
Join me for the 7 Day Payer Strategy e-study and learn to pray effective, fervent prayers that avail much! #alittlerandr #prayer #prayerstrategy #warroom
layout of verses to fight discouragement
When you're encountering spiritual warfare, take these 30 powerful verses to your war room. | A Little R & R | Rosilind Jukić | Christianity | Christian living | Christian blog | Christian faith | Spiritual Warfare | Quiet Times | #christianblog #christianfaith #christianliving #spiritualgrowth #warroom #warrior #spirituawarfare #Bible #God #Jesus #momlife #mom #quiettime #SOAK #biblejournaling #biblestudy

Resources for Prayer:

Desk layout with free printable sheet of prayer cards

Free Prayer Cards

Here are 6 steps you need to follow to write out a successful prayer strategy so that you live and walk in continually victory. #alittlerandr #prayerstrategy #freedownload #freebie #worksheet #warroom #prayer #spiritualwarfare
Join me for the 7 Day Payer Strategy e-study and learn to pray effective, fervent prayers that avail much! #alittlerandr #prayer #prayerstrategy #warroom

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  1. I would like to receive your ULTIMATE War Room Resource Collection. I have never been good at prayer. I am trying to change that now.
    Thank you.

  2. Thanks ma I have gone through most of your write-up, I found them very spiritual and educating. I would like to know more about ur ministry, I mean your gift.

  3. Thanks ma for the good work you are doing, I pray may God by Himself bless and strengthen you with more grace and mercy in Jesus mighty name I pray Amen.

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