Thanksgiving Notebooking Pages – Free Download

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Cover for Thanksgiving Noteboking Printables

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays of the year.

I love fall: the smells, the colors, the warmth. I love it that it gets darker earlier, so that we get lots and lots of family time together.


Drinking hot cocoa and tea.

Reading together, playing games, watching movies.

All of it is so warm and lovely!

Thanksgiving Notebooking Pages

I’ll admit, when we began homeschooling in 2019, I felt like I was all thumbs and left feet.

I still feel like I’m all thumbs and left feet a lot of days.

But, that’s slowly changing.

In December of that year, we made a move to bring our oldest son home with us for homeschool, and that was the start to our massive homeschool overhaul that I can’t wait to blog about later.

Find More Notebooking Page here

It felt so different, embarking on homeschooling a child who already had 2 1/2 years of school behind him.

I felt intimidated and lost.

But through prayer and listening to the advice of friends, I decided that two things had to be central to learning in our home:

  • Reading – we would read. A lot
  • Writing – we would write. A lot

One of the greatest tools I’m finding helpful to helping my MERLD children build reading and listening comprehension is notebooking.

What I’ve Learned About Notebooking

At first, it seemed like Greek to me – but then I began to see how my children retained information better when they wrote it.

Also, I found that notebooking is much easier when you understand the steps and building blocks for notebooking.

A great resource for me has been Danika Cooley from Thinking Kids

In her articles about notebooking, she encourages moms to read short paragraphs and dictate short sentences to beginner notebookers.

From there you help stretch them in notebooking, by keeping notebooking just slightly above their ability.

Also, she encourages a lot of drawing, as a healthy and creative notebooking process.

Grab These FREE Thanksgiving Notebooking Pages!

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Resources for Thanksgiving

Book cover for The Power of a Thankful Heart book
Join the thankful challenge today with this 30-day Thankfulness journal that helps you to journal your thoughts of gratitude and thanks.

Free Download!

layout of Bible verses for Thanksgiving
Pumpkin layout with picture of Bible verse bookmarks
This year I want to dig way down deep and find 5 prayers of thankfulness for things I've not had the courage to thank God for yet. Will you join me?

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