Study Romans With Me

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If there ever was a time to open God’s Word and read it for yourself, now is the time.

One of the things that concerns me greatly about many Bible studies is that we spend more time reading the commentary of man about the Bible more than the Bible itself.

Can I let you in on a big secret?

The same Holy Spirit that speaks to the hearts of those who write Bible commentary and Bible studies can speak to you, too.

I am greatly concerned that in the church amongst believers there is a belief that we are unable to read and understand the Bible without someone speaking in our ear about what it means.

This is at epidemic proportions.

I can attest to the many, many emails I receive about this very thing.

One of the reasons why I love the Good Morning Girls’ Bible studies is that Courtney only writes her own wrap up on Fridays.

I contribute my own thoughts on Wednesdays.

Apart from that, we trust that the Holy Spirit will speak to your hearts through His Word as you read one chapter a day through each book.

Study Romans With Me

August 22, 2022 we will begin a study in Romans.

The book of Romans is such an important book in leading us deeper into a life of discipleship. It tackles the essentials of our faith and how to live free from the bondage of sin.

You can grab the journal here or you may download a free version to do your SOAK.

In Courtney’s recent post: GMG SCHEDULE CHANGE & A LIFE UPDATE, she shares about how she is taking an extended break from leading GMG Bible studies.

However, my International group, as well as the GMG-Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia, will continue to go on as before – revisiting some of the previous studies we’ve done as well as a new one I’m writing for Thanksgiving.

We will also be joining Courtney for her annual Making Your Home a Haven study.

When: We will start on September 14, 2020

Where: You can find my private Facebook Group here: Good Morning Girls in the Word

What Do I Need? You can either order the Romans workbook from Amazon, or you can visit Good Morning Girls to grab the digital version of this workbook or the free workbook (note: the free workbook is just a SOAK journal without all of the extras).

What can I expect? Both Courtney and I will be blogging through Romans – each on our own blogs.

Each Monday, Courtney will provide resources on her Good Morning Girls blog

Each Wednesday, I’ll be blogging here about what I’m learning through what we’re reading and through the 2 Corinthians study

Each Thursday and Friday, Courtney will be sharing a wrap-up of the study for that week.

A Little More About Good Morning Girls and My Groups

Good Morning Girls is an online Bible study for women. Began by Courtney Joseph in her church, she took the Bible study to the Internet in 2009 and invited ladies all over America to join her in keeping each other accountable to their daily time with the Lord.

Little did she know that this Bible study would extend beyond the borders of America to literally every region of the world!!

In 2014 I joined Courtney, together with my dear friends Misty, Mandy and Bridget, in helping to lead Good Morning Girls. It has been an amazing journey as we’ve watched Good Morning Girls not only grow beyond what we could have dreamed or imagine, but we’ve had the amazing honor to see women’s lives changed by daily digging into God’s Word!

Good Morning Girls is a simple study – we simply read the Bible.

We believe that there is power in the Word of God and the Word of God alone can defeat the enemy. So we read one chapter a day 5 days a week. And we will continue this method until we’ve read through the entire Bible!!

All the materials are free and are available at Women Living Well!

In the summer of 2012 I opened the very first Good Morning Girls group in Croatia.

12 women, all members of my church.

I had no idea where it would lead. But by the following summer it exploded to cover the countries of Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.

You can read the story here

How to join us

If you’d like more information about Good Morning Girls Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, you can find our blog here, follow us on Facebook. Learn about our leaders and join one of their groups here.

In 2017, my dear friend Mary and I opened up our first International study group in English. You can find us at:

Good Morning Girls in the Word on Facebook
GMG in the Word on Whatsapp
Good Morning Girls in the Word on Telegram
Or join the email group at [email protected]

In 2017, my dear friend Mary and I opened up our first International study group in English. You can find us at Good Morning Girls in the Word

Become a Good Morning Girls Bible Study Leader!

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Good Morning Girls Leadership Training

Good Morning Girls follows the S.O.A.K method of studying God’s Word. You can discover what that means here. We also recommend this fun and practical way of reading your Bible: color coding your Bible. You can find the color code system below and read about it here:

You can read all my articles related to Good Morning Girls below.


3 Ways to Avoid Becoming Like Esau

3 Ways We Prepare to Meet With God


Why We Still Need the Law

The Symbolism of the Tabernacle

What Makes Christianity Different From Other Religions


Living From Glory to Glory


I Am Too Comfortable Here

That Which Makes the Weak Strong

What the Book of Numbers Taught Me About My Identity in Christ

4 Things You Need to Know About Personal Convictions

How Negativity Robs Me Of God’s Blessings

The High Cost of Sin

When God Gives You What You Want


4 Reasons Why You Should Remember the Past

1 Samuel

You’ve Never Heard David and Goliath Like This

2 Samuel

Who Are Your Giants?

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Faith in God’s Promises

1 Kings

3 Powerful Things Successful Christians Do Everyday

Are Christians Under the Law or Under Grace?

4 Reasons Why Christians Should Obey God’s Word

Are You A Part of God’s Remnant?

2 Kings

Does  God Still Do Miracles Today?

Does God Really Care About Little Sins?

If You Want to Stop Living in Defeat,

Do This One Thing

How to Live in Total Victory

Can God Be Pushed Too Far?

1 Chronicles

How the Prayer of Jabez Changes Our Identity

Should We Worship God In Our Own Way?

Who Are Your Giants?

Stop Living in Your Defeat

2 Chronicles

If Your Worship Isn’t Costly, Is It Really Worship?

How Much Sin is too Much Sin?

How to Prepare Your Heart to Seek God

Compromise Will Cost You Everything

5 Ways to Respond to Spiritual Decline

Are You Ready to Live in Total Victory?

What Happens When We Push God Too Far?


The Girl and the Potter


2 Lessons on Faithfulness From Ruth

When You’re Feeling Hopeless, Do These Two Things

God Reward the Faithful

5 Ways We Move From Anxiety To Rest

Understanding Our True Identity in Jesus Christ


12 Bible Versions About Joy When Life is Hard

When You Think God is Against You

4 Things To Remember When You’re Discouraged

Forget Everything You’ve Ever Believed About God’s Favor

Psalms 1-50

One Way to Have a Worshipful Summer

One Powerful Response to Betrayal

What is True Repentance

Good News For Every Imperfect Christian

6 Fundamental Things Christians Should Treasure

8 War Room Verses For When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

3 Ways To Respond When You’re Under Attack

5 Strategic Ways to Maintain Faith When the Battle Is Long

10 Critical Steps to Take When You Have Sinned

4 Powerful Steps When You Feel Hopeless

7 Ways to Defeat Fear Every Time

Psalms 51-100

How Should Christians Respond When They’re Under Attack

3 Ways Christians Should Respond When They Feel Defeated

3 Confidence-Boosting Lies Christians Believe

5 Powerful Truths About Worship

10 War Room Verses for When You Feel Discouraged – Printable

5 Reasons Why We Shouldn’t Forget Our Past

4 Ways to Cultivate a Passion for God

How to Live Wisely in a Hedonistic Culture

3 Ways Can Find Rest

9 Hebrew Words for Worship

Psalms 101-150

3 Characteristics of a Person of Integrity

How to Keep a Steady Heart in Times of Crisis

3 Promises for Those Who Study the Works of God

43 Life-Changing Verses About the Bible from Psalm 119

5 Ways to Respond When You’re Under Attack

Are You a Burned Out Christian?

A Christian Response to Crisis

What Psalm 139 Tells Us About Self-Esteem

9 Ways We Make Worship All About God

How to Use Worship As a Spiritual Weapon


The Key to a Happy Life


True Revival Begins With Me

5 Things God Wants His Remnant to Know

God Disciplines Those He Loves

Nothing On Earth Can Protect Us From What Is to Come

How to Prepare for the Last Days

What Are You Doing to Prepare For the Last Days?

This is What to Do When the Enemy Lies to You

What Happens When We Walk Away From Idolatry

3 Things Happen We See God For Who He Is

The One Thing That Prevents Us From Ministering the Way Jesus Did

Why Do We See So Many Christians Deconstructing Their Faith?


Do You Have Clean Hands?

5 Things Jesus Taught Us About Conflict Resolution


How to Know If You’re Cool


Then When I Am Weak

All Christians Don’t Go to Heaven


What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?

Who Is Jesus Christ?

4 Reasons Why You Need the Holy Spirit

This is What Breaks the Power of a Generational Curse


That Which Makes the Weak Strong


3 Reasons Why Christians Are Not Better Than Anyone Else

3 Steps to Understanding Your Identity in Christ

5 Instructions for Every Believer

1 Corinthians

5 Warning Signs of an Immature Christian

5 Behaviors of a Mature Christian

The Fruit of Maturity In the  Church

2 Corinthians

3 Important Truths for the Suffering Christian

Is It Ever Okay for a Christian to Offend?

Beware of False Teachers

Rest and Release

3 Ways We Can Find Rest

When Your Soul Needs Rest

The Powerful Quality of a Quiet Spirit

5 Really Good Reasons Why You Can Stop Worrying Right Now

What is Your Fight Song?

4 Amazing Steps for When You’re Out of Control

You can also view my YouTube Playlist here:

More materials by Good Morning Girls and Women Living Well

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